From Construction Information to Actionable Visibility Boards

From Construction Information to Actionable Visibility Boards.

Acumenian contributed to the engineering community at the Mega Viernes Civil, sponsored by the PR Professional College of Engineers and Land Surveyors and held at the Puerto Rico Convention Center event on July 16, 2021.

Acumenian was honored to share insights about the use of data and technology for managing projects and the trends transforming the construction industry. Luis Matos, President of the firm, started with an overview of trends, challenges, and opportunities that come with those changes. One of the most staggering statistics is that of all the construction data generated, only 4% gets used. Furthermore, 13% of working hours are used for looking up projects’ data.

Strategic Solution Manager, Elvin Hernandez, shared knowledge about the best practices to get the most out of the abundant available data. Also, the process and solutions that make it possible, like the Actionable Strategic Visibility methodology and the Actionable Visibility Boards.

Our team of advisors is passionate about sharing their acumen to add value for our clients. 

If you are interested in knowing how we can help you, please visit or schedule an appointment to contact us by email at [email protected] or call (+1) 787-474-0300.


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