Tear Down Data Silos Between Time-Expense Tracking, Accounting, and Human Resources
In today’s economy, small and medium companies are subject to many challenges when optimizing their operations. For many reasons, technology focuses on solving big problems for big companies. But what happens with solving big problems for small companies?
Usually, the available technology for small companies solves specific issues, and each tool works separately. This situation creates information silos, generating a double entry in multiple systems. The best way to solve this situation is by finding ways to connect systems and share information that the different stakeholders may use within the company.
Last year, Acumenian decided to handle its accounting activities internally instead of maintaining the contracted services they used to have. To do so, we needed to identify an accounting system, a human resources management system, and a way to document the time our people spend with our clients.
Many ERP systems can provide a solution that takes care of all those activities. Still, these solutions usually take a lengthy implementation process of customizing every administrative step, resulting in higher costs than a small or medium company can afford.
By not handling this situation accurately, small and medium companies may find themselves choosing a solution that is too big to manage appropriately while creating a bureaucracy level that delays their internal procedures. Since most accounting teams on such companies are small, having a complex system is a big challenge for their daily activities, making them suffer. Also, company financials’ strategic visibility is negatively affected when systems are too complicated for small accounting teams.
To solve this situation, you create a requirement matrix to list all your needs specifying the process they impact and ranking them between needed, wanted, and nice-to-have. Based on that matrix, you can evaluate the tools that comply with your needs, have a cost magnitude of each system, and have an estimated implementation time. Regularly, you will find those large-scale systems and brand names comply with almost everything, but their cost, manageability, and implementation time are too high for those small/medium companies. Then you will notice some smaller but solid companies with great tools for specific purposes (Accounting, HR, Time Keeping, etc.). These systems are usually simpler and faster to implement, but you will need a tool that can act as the connection among all of them. This simple detail ensures proper use and a higher user acceptance rate to the systems implemented. The ideal connecting tool also solves an integral function within your intended purpose.
At Acumenian, we decided to use Quickbook for Accounting, Bamboo HR for Human Resources Management, and leverage our proprietary software TimeViu to manage our people’s time. By doing so, TimeViu became more robust than ever, serving as the integration tool for all systems while allowing our co-workers to have an easy-to-use platform to submit their timesheets and expenses.
Not all companies have an internal software development team and an internal team of advisors to provide out-of-the-box solutions for their problems. For such reasons, Acumenian decided to share their software solutions to all small and medium companiesm looking at Quickbooks as their possible accounting system. TimeViu will solve your time and expenses management needs while sharing information to accounting by being linked to their system. Having Acumenian’s TimeViu provides you with a state-of-the-art solution at a fraction of the cost of others. Our team of advisors will hold your hand during the implementation process to ensure proper training for your IT & Administrative team. In contrast, your group enjoys the continued development of TimeViu.
Acumenian, LLC is a technology-driven management consulting firm. With offices in Puerto Rico and the southern United States, we provide services that impact the performance of our clients throughout the world. To coordinate an appointment, write to us at [email protected] or call 787-474-0300.
Tearing Down Data Silos in Time and Expense Tracking, Accounting and Human Resources