Agile Strategic Evolution™

To keep up with the ever-changing business environment, outsourcing organizational project management assistance is a smart solution. This approach ensures positive growth and successful implementation of corporate projects. Acumenian offers such assistance through our Agile Strategic Evolution™ methodology.

Our ASE methodology combines the most effective techniques from agile management, lean, and strategic doing to provide a reliable system for achieving your organizational objectives. By adopting this methodology, your organization can integrate the process into its culture and consistently accomplish targeted goals. This approach enables organizations and their executives to maintain a strategic evolution and develop the necessary agility to become a leader in their industry.

Develop a shared mindset to foster trust and respect among stakeholders, enabling the safe sharing of strategic ideas. The first step is defining a clear and SMART organizational goal.

Clearly define the purpose of the engagement. Usually, framing questions are a great tool to start the conversation about the mindset and purpose of the ASE Methodology.

Share assets that you control and discover what others bring.

Share relevant resources among participants. It is essential to share available and appropriate resources (people, knowledge, things, or funds) to help the organization reach its established goal.

Generate ideas and look for connections and synergy. Rank them in value.

Define opportunities by creating strategies to leverage the strategic mix of available resources. This phase is critical to maintaining a safe and open mindset within the group.

Evaluate Ranking to choose possible initiatives that enable that goal. Decide what will be done and what not.

• Answer “Whose life will be better and how?”
• Evaluate Ranking to choose possible initiatives that enable that goal
• Define an Initiative
• Create an Impactful, Viable Project
• Identify enabling sub-projects
• Plan Assignment

Once the team decides on the opportunity to pursue, it is vital to identify a set of measures, characteristics, and Key Performance Indicators to guide the team into strategic actions.

Distribute tasks, define the follow-up structure, and measure the evolution.

Identifying the activities that will serve as pathfinders to guide the team in achieving the goal is crucial. The time and effort required to implement these opportunities are pivotal in ranking the options. We also agreed on the periodicity of the follow-up meeting to follow up on the progress and ensure an alignment with the goal. These meetings shall promote collaboration, connect the stakeholders, and build a culture of achievement.

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